Developing Talent

Investing in talent brings in big returns. We are dedicated to fostering a nimble talent pipeline to supply the career paths of the future.

HIRE Charlotte

What if we approached job creation with more intentionality, collaboration and action? HIRE Charlotte is a strategic employment initiative that aligns Charlotte-Mecklenburg’s entire employment ecosystem – employers, economic development organizations, educational institutions, workforce training and development organizations, government and nonprofits – around a central goal to create and fill good jobs that drive economic prosperity for all. By coordinating and connecting efforts, the business recruitment, talent training, job seeker journey, and employee hiring process will be more streamlined, improving the path for upward mobility for our residents. Working together, we will advance a more holistic approach to career development and support.

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Meeting our sustainability goals while providing free job training is a win for our entire community. The Renewable Energy and Efficiency Workforce (“RENEW”) Training Program provides paid training in the area of HVAC and Electrical Trades. After 13 weeks of hands-on training, candidates will have the skills for successful entry into several industries and work to place graduates in successful full-time employment opportunities.

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